Being a busy lad with little time to write, but many thoughts to write about and share, I thought it would be interesting to experiment with a podcast. I plan to record while I ride my bike to work - efficient multi-tasking! This is where the name "Bicycle Radio NZ" comes from. I had to add NZ because there is already a bicycle radio out there which is devoted to athletes and competitive bike racing. There is none of that on my version - the bicycle reference is merely to me talking while riding.
The link below is to my first effort, which I thoroughly enjoyed. You can hear me whooping with joy as I fly down hills and I talk about my background for most of the session.
I will attempt to record an episode every day that I ride to work when the weather is fine enough to be wearing my headphones with mic. Future developments will be to form chapter links and a sort of contents so that listeners can skip to the part they want to hear about.
For now, it's just an mp3 link. Please share liberally, and I hope you enjoy this first test episode!
Bicycle Radio NZ - Friday, May 18th 2012 (episode 00) (right click to save)