The most recent issue of Solid Ground has an article on hearing from God. An excerpt to pique your interest:
"The keynote speaker’s list of spiritual qualifications was not lengthy. There were no references to his academic letters, theological acumen, skill at biblical living, or personal holiness. Instead, he was simply introduced as “a man who hears from God.” It was the ultimate sign of spiritual competency. The implication for the audience was clear. He listens to God; they should listen to him."
The article can be viewed in full here
"Stand to Reason" is an organisation that...
...equips Christian ambassadors with knowledge, wisdom, and character. An effective ambassador has three essential skills:
- Knowledge - an accurate grasp of the foundational precepts of the Kingdom
- Wisdom - skillful, tactical, fair, and diplomatic use of knowledge
- Character - a mature expression of virtue, warmth, and personal depth
(taken from Stand to Reason's "about" page where you can also read more of their vision.
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